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Leader of World’s Largest Pilots Union Available for Interviews on Aviation Safety

WASHINGTON, DC / AGILITYPR.NEWS / May 14, 2024 / Close calls, staffing shortages and pilot mental health have all been in the news lately and are all addressed in landmark legislation that is expected to be finalized by Congress as soon tonight. Capt. Ambrosi, a Delta Air Lines pilot and the leader of the world’s largest pilots union is available for interviews and offers a unique perspective on how this bill will help enhance U.S. aviation safety and security. 

Ambrosi quotes:

“This bill maintains rigorous pilot training standards and rejects attempts to arbitrarily raise the pilot retirement age, which would have introduced uncertainty into the U.S. aviation system and interfered with collectively bargained agreements. Additionally, the bill enhances safety, security and improves resources for our fellow aviation workers.”

“The bill also ensures that the United States is focused on breaking down barriers and opening up opportunities to ensure a robust and qualified pipeline of aviators, as well as providing air-service support for those living in rural and small communities without lowering the bar on safety.”

“This FAA reauthorization deal strengthens our industry, making flying safer for passengers, cargo, and crew without weakening the protections that have created the safest period in aviation history.”

Among items included in the legislation, which is expected to be voted on in the House as early as this evening, Capt. Ambrosi can speak to how air line pilots fought to have these key provisions included in the bill:

  • enhancing runway and airport alerting systems; 
  • maintaining the rigorous 1,500 flight hour training requirement for pilots;
  • creating a pathway to require secondary barriers for existing passenger aircraft to close a gap in safety regulations that was a priority after the 9/11 terrorist attacks; 
  • establishing a standardized system for reporting smoke and fume events on passenger-carrying aircraft, plus rulemaking to allow onboard detectors and monitoring equipment; 
  • establishing a national strategic plan to improve the recruitment, hiring, and retention of the civil aviation workforce;
  • expanding the air traffic controller workforce; 
  • updating antiquated pilot mental health protocols; and 
  • providing stronger protections for flight crew cooperating with accident and incident investigations.

About Us

Founded in 1931, ALPA is the largest airline pilot union in the world and represents more than 77,000 pilots at 41 U.S. and Canadian airlines. Visit the ALPA website at alpa.org or follow us on Twitter @ALPAPilots. 


Corey Kuhn


Phone: 703-689-4131