
Oak Wealth Partners to Host Retirement Planning Workshop at Running Hare Vineyard on December 15, 2020

LEXINGTON PARK, MD. / AGILITYPR.NEWS / December 04, 2020 / New and expanded website provides fresh insights, improves user experience


Oak Wealth Partners, an investment advisory firm specializing in managing employer sponsored retirement plans as well as traditional investments, today announced the launch of their new website and new company logo. The company also continues to hold educational workshops designed to help individuals learn how to better manage their retirement plans.


What:       Retirement Planning Workshop

Presenter:   Michael Scarborough, Oak Wealth Partners

Date:       Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Time:      6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Location:   Running Hare Vineyard

          Tuscan Events Building

           150 Adelina Road

           Prince Frederick, MD 20678


Tickets are free but registration is required:


Complimentary snacks and adult beverages will be served. Seating is limited due to Covid restrictions and a face covering is required.


Financial advisor Michael Scarborough has more than 39 years of experience helping people prepare for retirement. His specialty includes active management of employer sponsored retirement plans such as a 401(k) or 403(b). Scarborough has been a media resource for over 20 years and is known for innovating the industry of managing monies for individuals in qualified plans.


Oak Wealth Partners uses the principles of a Nobel prize-winning investment theory for optimal diversification. The principles include structural analysis, asset allocation decisions, security selection decisions, reallocation and rebalancing, all supported by ongoing communication.


The new easy-to-navigate and mobile-friendly website provides insights on a wide range of timely financial topics, including the stock market, socially responsible investing, 401(k) and retirement planning, how to reduce business expenses during the Covid pandemic, and more.


“Our revised logo is a stylized illustration of an oak tree,” said Mike Scarborough, President and CEO, Oak Wealth Partners. “We chose the oak tree for our logo and our name because it has been a symbol of strength, knowledge, honor and longevity throughout history, and represents many of the things Oak Wealth Partners strives to be for our clients.”


“The new website is our opportunity to provide visitors with a good experience and to clearly communicate the services we provide that can help people retire in a financially stable position. The revisions to the website are designed to help visitors quickly and easily navigate to find the information they need.”

About Us



Oak Wealth Partners is an investment advisory firm that employs a holistic approach in managing clients’ employer sponsored retirement plans as well as traditional investments. As fiduciary financial advisors, the firm is sworn to always put clients’ interests before their own. Oak Wealth is devoted to helping clients retire in a financially stable position and to be their clients’ peace of mind. Visit the new website at


Grace Vogelzang

Impact Communications, Inc.

Phone: 913-649-5009

Corrine Smith

Impact Communications, Inc.

Phone: 913-649-5009